Are you ticklish?

I was recently introduced to Demetri Martin (not in person, that would be unlikely) and he’s very amusing. Now his stand-up is umm..upstanding(!) but I’m also quite fond of his animated shorts (not those kind of shorts, that would be unlikely).


  1. Hi Saima, Good luck with your card venture. This is off-topic and.. God i don’t want to say it. It’s about CIMA. There I’ve done it. I managed to surprise myself and did OK but now I am bricking it about P2 Decision Management, it’s like Sif kryptonite. I remember you said you did mind maps for your papers,can you send me a copy may be a scan? If not, no worries.

  2. Hey congrats to you! I passed two out of the three strategic papers; not ideal but I’ll take it 🙂
    I will certainly send you the mind maps, no problemo.

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