Room 101

In a recent dinner table discussion, the following were suggested as things people would like to put into Room 101: Food noises Stinginess Ringtones “An Audience with…” and “Mania” nights on ITV Fake laughs Gossip Bananas Keira Knightley

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What’s the most discreet remedy for a wedgie? It’s for umm…let’s say, scientific research…

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Jaffa Cakes

My youngest sister was doing her homework the other day; a project on cakes for Home Economics..Cookery…How to Microwave Ready Meals 101 or whatever they call that class these days. She was making a list of the different type of cakes one can consume and caused quite a stir when she wanted to write in… Continue reading Jaffa Cakes

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Sylvanian Families

I got my foot on the first rung of the ladder! I’m now the proud parent of White Mouse twin babies. I’ve named them Molly and Matty. Eeeeeeh.

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My sisters say that if I ever write an autiobiography, I should call it “I Fell Asleep”. Apparently, it’s my catchphrase. What would your autobiography be called?

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