
You know what would be really great? On-line instruction manuals. For example, I hardly ever keep instruction manuals for electronic goods. Clutter are they. But then, uh oh, I need to know how a certain feature works on my digital cordless phone and I’m pretty much buggered because I threw out the manual ages ago.… Continue reading Proposition

Categorised as WWW

Best of the Web

The teenage fansites are still the prettiest and most eye pleasing sites out there.

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Crash Bonsai

I’m all for miniature. I love it in fact. But CrashBonsai is a little sad and disturbing even for me.

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Plain Jane

Excuse the appearance. I’m still sorting my shit out after moving hosts. It seems when I saved all my templates using this method I had “no space left on device” and therefore they didn’t get saved. Thanks phpwebhosting! Now I have to start from scratch. Sigh. Also I didn’t renew so that address no… Continue reading Plain Jane

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Can you?

Can you be sarcastic and optimistic at the same time?

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