How many different ways and

How many different ways and times can you use the line ‘The first rule about Fight Club is you don’t talk about Fight Club’? Well, I’ll tell you. A pachillion, and they get less and less funny as time goes on.

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I was thinking about how

I was thinking about how sorry I feel for employees of Deloitte & Touche. I mean that’s one of the Big Five Firms. So you’re thinking “Hey, I’m cool, I’m hip, I’m rolling in the big dollars baby!” (Although that would be rather unfortunate ‘cos you’re in England). And so someone asks you what job… Continue reading I was thinking about how

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Busy busy bumblebee. I get

Busy busy bumblebee. I get to stand in front of the chemistry department and my peers tomorrow and talk about cyanohydrins. I’m just so excited! You’re right, I’m being sarcastic. In related news (only in the sense that it’s about me) I’m off to Glasgow for a long weekend on Thursday. Eid mubarak! On an… Continue reading Busy busy bumblebee. I get

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Thank you to Stan for

Thank you to Stan for IMing me this. My little sister thanks you too.

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This site seems defunct in

This site seems defunct in terms of representing me. I don’t say half of the stuff I really want to say, I feel I can’t show the real me. Even my surfing habits are different from those reflected here. The design pisses me off. I need a remedy.

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Wooh, over a week since

Wooh, over a week since my last post. I was ill guv’nor. And to show how sick I still am, today in the laboratory we had to do an experiment where me measured our pulse. I was the only one who didn’t have one. No pulse, just noise on the graph which led to the… Continue reading Wooh, over a week since

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